Franchising allows you to be an entrepreneur – with bumper guards. If you can work within a system, follow a prescribed plan and adhere to policies, franchising is for you.

Conversely, if you are the entrepreneurial type who prefers to reinvent wheels you may get frustrated. That’s not to say personal creativity and experimentation are totally out of bounds, but you’ll have to be sure the system you join is your right fit. For example, an emerging brand — still evolving its strategies and  systems – may be more accommodating.

Find Out Now If You’re Fit For Franchising

The good news is you can learn right now if you’re cut out for franchising. A breakthrough online assessment tool makes it fast, easy – and free.

The tool compares your responses with those of top-performing franchisees at hundreds of brands. It assesses whether you’re a good fit for franchise ownership or better off pursuing another business path.

What’s more, if you show promise, the analysis suggests the types of franchises at which you’re most likely to succeed. Results are emailed immediately and directly to you. 

Top Franchisees Follow Their Playbook

Franchising is about both independence and interdependence. Yes, you run your own business. But you’re expected to follow a playbook of proven practices – just like the other franchisees in your system. This ensures a unified and consistent customer experience across all markets – a critical success factor for franchise brands.

In fact, the most successful (and most profitable) franchisees are those who execute their playbooks to a tee. Rather than tinker with the established ways to operate, they focus on three key tasks:

* Building and leading their teams
* Networking in their communities
* Monitoring their performance metrics

Traits of Successful Franchisees

Though certainly it helps, you don’t need to be an experienced business owner or expert in the industry you are entering. The franchisor’s playbook amply prepares you.

That’s why people from all walks of life — accountants, teachers, healthcare workers, technicians, veterans, first responders, white-collar executives, skilled trades workers, stay-at-home moms — succeed as franchisees. They share these traits:

* Willingness to follow a business system and playbook
* Strong communications, listening and people skills
* Self-driven, results-focused and unceasing work ethic
* Enjoy networking in the community – or hiring those who do
* Committed to top-notch customer service
* Financial, business and sales acumen are a huge plus
* Are infectiously passionate about their business

Is franchising right for you? The answer depends more on your temperament than career history: If your drive, resilience and vision outmatch the fear and doubt that inevitably bedevils all of us, you are capable of taking on new challenges.

Want Help Evaluating Franchise Opportunities?

We can help you identify and invest in the franchise business that is right for you. Our personalized ownership recommendations help you save time, reduce risk and invest confidently – with no fee or hidden costs.

Our process starts with a free 15-minute conversation during which we introduce ourselves, learn about you and give you a sense of how we’d work together. You can then decide if you’d like to proceed.

No obligation, no catch – we invite you to chat when you’re ready. You can schedule easily online for the date and time of your preference.